About Us
Board members and individual team members have various and diverse skills and expertise in computer science, GIS/mapping, law, engineering, economics, advocacy and project management. CCFD has consistently received top awards in state-wide map-drawing competitions.

BRIAN GORDON, Esq., is a practicing attorney with 30 years of experience in civil rights, constitutional law, and trusts and estates. Brian is a former member of the Lower Merion Township Board of Commissioners representing the 12th Ward. He served as co-counsel in the 2017-18 federal congressional redistricting case, Agre v Wolf, and co-drafted the CCFD amicus briefs to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in the 2018 state redistricting case League of Women Voters v PA. These briefs contained a step-by-step guide to neutral redistricting which became a template for the PA Court’s 2018 Remedial Pennsylvania Congressional map. Brian serves as CCFD President and Treasurer and leads the Legal Team.

ANNE C. HANNA, PhD(c) is a doctoral candidate in mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech and a Philadelphia resident. She served as an expert witness in the 2017-18 federal congressional redistricting case, Agre v Wolf, analyzing the data that was used to produce the gerrymandered 2011 Pennsylvania congressional map. After the end of that case, she provided technical expertise for two amicus briefs during the remedial phase of the successful state-level litigation against that same map, LWV v PA. These briefs exposed the respondents’ attempted stealth re-gerrymander in their remedial map proposal and offered a fairer design methodology and alternative map, many elements of which made an appearance in the Court’s final remedial design. Anne won Honorable Mention for her congressional map submission in Fall 2018 PA Draw the Lines competition, and 1st place for her congressional map submission (exploring incumbent protection issues) in the Spring 2019 PA Draw the Lines competition. Anne is an invited charter member of the PA Committee of Seventy Citizen Map Corps. She serves as the CCFD Vice President and leads the Data Science Team.

JAN SWENSON, JD, MEd, is a retired lawyer, businesswoman and public school educator with experience in democracy and voting rights activism. Jan practiced corporate and administrative law in Washington, DC and Philadelphia for six years, worked in the business world for three years, and taught elementary school for almost 19 years. She serves as CCFD Secretary and leads the Communications/Media Team.

ROBERT HESS, PhD, CFA®, a retired economist, has a background in quantitative techniques and the creation of presentations and reports suitable for public consumption. Bob has nearly forty years’ experience in government policy analysis, investment research, private consulting, and economic forecasting. He serves on the CCFD Data Science Team.

HOWARD WIENER, Esq., retired in 2017 from a long and distinguished career as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey. He served in the Criminal Division, investigating and prosecuting a wide variety of federal crimes. Howard received his B.A. degree in economics and political science in 1977 from Binghamton University and his JD from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1982, where he served as Comment Editor on the Law Review. He is a member of the bar in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Howard worked with the CCFD Legal Team during the 2021 redistricting cycle, testifying and helping to craft the CCFD amicus briefs submitted to the Pennsylvania Legislative Redistricting Commission, and to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. He joined the CCFD Board of Managers in January 2023, and continues to serve on the Legal Team.

Emeritus Board Members

LEE HACHADOORIAN, PhD, is a geographer at Temple University, and teaches courses in geographic information systems and geospatial programming. Lee worked as a database and software developer for a decade before beginning graduate studies in GIS and geography. His research is broadly concerned with applying geospatial technologies to topics such as gerrymandering, urban inequality, segregation, and spatial structures of local governments. He serves as a consultant to CCFD.

ROBERT WILLIAMS, MSAE, MSTM, MSGIS, was program manager and strategic planner for The Boeing Company for 29 years, and previously developed technology policies for the US Government. He currently teaches management of innovation at Temple University’s Fox School of Business. Robert won Honorable Mention (with cash award) for his state senate map submission, applying the CCFD methodology, in the Fall 2019 PA Draw the Lines competition. Robert is an invited charter member of PA Committee of Seventy Citizen Map Corps. He serves as a consultant to CCFD.

Help Fund CCFD's Fight To End Gerrymandering In Pennsylvania

Please give what you can - every dollar helps and no donation is too small.  Your support and contributions will directly fund our ongoing work to end gerrymandering.

CCFD is a Pennsylvania 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Association under 15 Pa.C.S.A. Section 9111. All donations are tax-deductible.

Write a check made payable to Concerned Citizens for Democracy and mail it to CCFD, 168 Idris Road, Merion Station, PA 19066-1611.

Thank you for supporting our work! Thank you for supporting democracy!

INTERESTED IN HELPING OUT?  If you have the following interests and skills, you can help us make a difference:

  • With mapping or GIS skills, you can be a part of the Tech/Science Team and help analyze or challenge maps using the CCFD methodology.

  • With legal or paralegal skills, you can be a part of the Legal Team and help craft amicus briefs explaining the methodology to litigants and courts.

  • With writing, fundraising, or communications skills, you can be a part of the Media / Communications / Fundraising Teams.

If you have questions or want more information about volunteer opportunities, please

 Contact Us