Who We Serve

We serve legislators and redistricting bodies by providing a neutral, nonpartisan methodology for redistricting that avoids any suggestion of impropriety.  Our approach is easily applicable to any electoral redistricting level and is  provided free of charge.  Implementing the CCFD methodology will build a reputation for integrity within the redistricting process and will enhance the  public’s perception of enduring and fair practices.

We serve litigators by providing a remedy for those who challenge unfair congressional or state maps or an unfair redistricting process, without regard to political party.  

We serve courts that are tasked with drawing unfair maps by supplying a comprehensive, judicially manageable and enforceable methodology that follows precedent and results in representative districts.

We serve the media by providing highly relevant newsworthy information to political journalists and news programs, both through traditional print/radio channels and through social media platforms.

Ultimately, our work serves the public interest by providing citizens an answer to unfair, unrepresentative electoral districts.

Help Fund CCFD's Fight To End Gerrymandering In Pennsylvania

Please give what you can - every dollar helps and no donation is too small.  Your support and contributions will directly fund our ongoing work to end gerrymandering.

CCFD is a Pennsylvania 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Association under 15 Pa.C.S.A. Section 9111. All donations are tax-deductible.

Write a check made payable to Concerned Citizens for Democracy and mail it to CCFD, 168 Idris Road, Merion Station, PA 19066-1611.

Thank you for supporting our work! Thank you for supporting democracy!

INTERESTED IN HELPING OUT?  If you have the following interests and skills, you can help us make a difference:

  • With mapping or GIS skills, you can be a part of the Tech/Science Team and help analyze or challenge maps using the CCFD methodology.

  • With legal or paralegal skills, you can be a part of the Legal Team and help craft amicus briefs explaining the methodology to litigants and courts.

  • With writing, fundraising, or communications skills, you can be a part of the Media / Communications / Fundraising Teams.

If you have questions or want more information about volunteer opportunities, please

 Contact Us